Willow “Giving” Tree Capital Campaign
In July 2021, Willow Tree Missions purchased a building in downtown Monticello that enables us to greatly expand our services to include two transitional housing apartments, multi-purpose space, and double the resale shop space to enhance our Christ-centered support programs. The renovation of retail space in our downtown location was complete and we opened the second Resale Shop in the fall of 2023. The additional revenue generated will enable growth in the essential services we are able to provide for our community’s domestic violence victims and meet the annual operating budget.
The second phase of the renovation began in early 2024. Renovation funds were applied to meet essential building safety code requirements and water infiltration issues, allowing us to better serve the urgent, ever-growing needs of those affected by domestic violence.
With a target date of having the transitional housing apartments and multi-purpose space renovated by Fall 2024, we are diligently pursuing various grant opportunities and have developed a Willow “Giving” Tree Capital Campaign to help in meeting these overwhelming one-time costs. Renovations are well on their way, utilizing volunteers and experts, and prioritizing the most urgent items on our to-do list.
Since 2007, Willow Tree Missions has offered refuge and resources to county residents who are trying to escape domestic violence. Our clients tend to have been isolated from friends and family and have little or no support system. In desperation, they often come to us with less than $5 to their name. We would like to be able to extend that critical support beyond the crisis by offering transitional housing for 3-6 months while individuals begin rebuilding their lives. With the purchase of the downtown Monticello building, we now have room for this housing as well as a multi-purpose space to conduct and grow community support programs.
We are hopeful that you will partner with Willow Tree Missions to invest in our one-time renovation needs helping us fully open this building this year. With your vital assistance, Willow Tree Missions can better restore hope and energy to the people of Piatt County who are desperately trying to repair their lives.
Still Needed
Approximately $117,300 is still needed to complete the renovations to our building. Won't you help us reach our goal by making a donation to our Capital Campaign?
Willow “Giving” Tree Support Levels
Just as the roots, trunk, branches, and leaves work together to provide nutrients, strength, pathways, and protection to the tree, your gift will similarly impact the structure of Willow Tree Missions and its client services. Inspired by Shel Silverstein’s book, The Giving Tree, we believe Willow Tree can be our clients’ quiet place to rest, to climb its trunk of resources and swing toward freedom from its branches, to find solace under its leaves…. and to be at peace. Will you help Willow Tree to grow?
Financial Contribution: $1 - 499 and/or
Volunteer Commitment: No minimum
Financial Contribution: $500 - 1,999 and/or
Volunteer Commitment: One hour per week
(Equivalent to 4 hours per month)
Financial Contribution: $2,000 - 4,999 and/or
Volunteer Commitment: Five hours per week
(Equivalent to a group of 10 working 2 hours per month)
Financial Contribution: More than $5,000 and/or
Volunteer Commitment: Eight hours per week
(Equivalent to a group of 10 working 3 hours per month)
Looking for other ways to partner with us?
Contact us at info@willowtreemissions.org.

Donation Options:
- Mail a check made payable to Willow Tree Missions to: 100 E. Washington St., Monticello, IL 61856
- Venmo @donateWTM
- By credit card - fill out form below